Mikrotechna Praha A.S.

Barrandova 409
Prague, 143 11
Czech Republic

About Mikrotechna Praha A.S.

At present, our purely Czech company is engaged in the development, manufacture, testing and servicing of aircraft instruments mainly based on membrane and gyroscope technologies. The product range is considerably wider and covers the following groups of instruments: artificial horizons, turn indicators, altimeters, vertical speed indicators, airspeed indicators, pitot-static tubes, pressure gauges and switches, control and signal units, warning and lighting systems.

Competitors of Mikrotechna Praha A.S.

THOMMEN AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT Ltd. has been supplying the global aircraft industry with Swiss quality aircraft instruments for civil and military applications for over one century. THOMMEN is a leading manufacturer of first-class mission equipment, displays, air data computers and altimeters,... Read More

Radiant Technology designs and builds a wide range of lightweight aircraft instruments that are are used by aircraft in many forms of ultralight and sport aircraft. Read More

United Instruments, Inc. has been providing quality primary flight, engine pressure and flow instruments to general aviation manufacturers in the United States and abroad since 1967. Read More