Inertial Labs Releases U-Blox Based, Low-Cost GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation System, INS-DU w/ Accurate Positioning and Dual Antenna Heading

Press Release from Inertial Labs Inc

The new INS-DU delivers high accuracy RTK position for Air, Land, and Marine Applications.

Paeonian Springs, VA: The new INS-DU is a high performance strapdown system that determines position, velocity, and absolute orientation to any platform that it is mounted to. It utilizes a cost-effective, dual antenna U-Blox GNSS receiver that provides 1 cm RTK position from RTCM3 RTK corrections and supports a wide range of GNSS constellations. Designed for UAVs, Land Vehicles, and Marine Vessels, the INS-DU is an effective, low-cost solution that uses a range of aiding data for different applications. With highly accurate navigation in GNSS-denied environments, the INS-DU delivers a comprehensive GNSS-denied solution at a significantly lower price point.

One of the key elements to the success of the INS-DU is its use of the miniAHRS, which utilizes 3-axes each of precision magnetometers, accelerometers, and gyroscopes to provide orientation of the device under measure. It contains cutting-edge algorithms for the motion of robots, unmanned and autonomous vehicles, and antennas. MiniAHRS mini fluxgate magnetometers have a distinct advantage over commonly used magneto-inductive or magneto-resistive alternatives and have been a trusted North reference for over 70 years.

The INS-DU provides a full navigation solution for both GNSS and GNSS-denied environments at an unparalleled value. With custom interfaces and a power consumption of two and a half of a Watts, the INS-DU is a versatile solution fit for a wide variety of users with power consumption restrictions. In addition, the INS-DU contains our on-board sensor fusion filter, state of the art navigation, and guidance algorithms and calibration software.

Inertial Labs, already the leader in position and orientation sensor technologies, is growing its catalog of innovative solutions at the best value, smallest size, and lowest power consumption in their class. From commerce and industry to government, defense, and aerospace, Inertial Labs is at the forefront of developing and customizing products for exciting technologies, solving today’s problems, and unraveling those of tomorrow.


About Inertial Labs

Established in 2001, Inertial Labs is the leader in position and orientation technologies for both commercial/industrial and aerospace/defense applications. With a worldwide distributor & representative network covering 20+ countries across 6 continents, a standard product offering that spans from Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) up to full GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), and an application breadth that covers Land, Air, and Sea; Inertial Labs covers the gambit of inertial technologies.

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