The Inertial Labs Attitude and Heading Reference System, AHRS-10P is a high-performance strapdown system that determines absolute orientation (heading, pitch and roll) for any device on which it is mounted. Orientation is determined with high accuracy for both motionless and dynamic applications. The Inertial Labs AHRS-10P utilizes 3-axes each of precision accelerometers, magnetometers and gyroscopes to provide accurate Heading, Pitch and Roll of the device under measure. Integration of gyroscopes’ output provides high frequency, real-time measurement of the device rotation about all three rotational axes. Accelerometers and Fluxgate magnetometer measure absolute Pitch, Roll and magnetic Azimuth at AHRS initial alignment as well as providing ongoing corrections to gyroscopes during operation.
AHRS-10B Key Features:
➢ Heading accuracy: 0.3 deg
➢ Pitch & Roll accuracy: 0.05 deg
➢ Gyroscope Bias in-run stability: 1 deg/hr
➢ Accelerometer Bias in-run stability: 0.005 mg
➢ Size: 90 × 27 × 26 mm
➢ Weight: 84 gram
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